The Basics

Written by
[TRP] Jesus
What Is Roleplay?
Role-play is the act of playing a role as a character. Role-play in Clockwork usually consists of multiple game modes including HL2RP, New Vegas Roleplay, etc. When you are roleplaying you are essentially an actor, you're acting out the actions of your character you created.
Is this Serious or Semi-Serious?
Our server is a Semi-Serious Roleplay! With that said, we still enjoy a good roleplay event, even with mics on!
Below you will find our forum guidelines and in-game rules! We have posted them both here and in-game incase you miss them!
Welcome to the community, we're happy to have you here!

Forum Guidelines

  • This is an English website, all forum posts must be written in English — Any thread topics or replies written in a language other than English may be removed without notice. This is mainly because we cannot moderate languages we do not understand.
  •  No “flaming” or “badgering” — writing hostile or insulting messages aimed at other users for their views, comments, status as a user on the site, or any other reason. You can disagree with someone’s views and still be polite about it.
  •  No “trolling“ — posting controversial (sometimes off-topic) messages with the intent of baiting other users to reply. Also, please do not feed trolls.
  • No “necro” behavior — posting replies on very old (dead) threads which have not been locked. We only allow “necro” replies in VERY rare circumstances, all other cases will find your reply removed. If you feel strongly enough about posting a reply, please discuss with a Moderator whether to start a new thread of discussion.
  • No discussions of software piracy, hacking, illegal material. — Linking to these activities will not be tolerated.
  • Do not post material that is hateful or mean towards race, religion, sex, or any other offensive nature. You can debate religion and politics in the Discussions forum, but you can do so WITHOUT being mean or hateful about it.
  • Do not post lewd or offensive content, or links to lewd or offensive content. Keep everything Safe for Work.
  • No excessive swearing or language. If you’re that angry about something, take a break from the forums for a while, or confront the other user directly instead of in the forums.
  • Do not complain about getting banned, and do not make another account to circumvent a ban. Do not complain about other users being banned, in the forums or on profile pages of other users.
  • Do not complain if a moderator removes a message you posted. We trust our moderators, and if they’ve removed a message, they had a good reason.
  • Do not post any personal information about you or anyone else. We don’t want to know your street address. If you want to post a photo of yourself, please post it in the photo thread in the Photography under Entertainment.
  • Turn off your caps lock, do not use excessive ALL CAPS in your posts.

Basic Roleplay Rules (Rules can also be found in-game).

  • Don't RDM (Kill people randomly for no reason)
  • Don't CDM (Randomly run over people). We get it, it happens. 
  • Don't RDA (Randomly arrest people)
  • Don't break NLR (New Life Rule) for 5 minutes. You forget everything about your past, who you were, etc. Imagine it like a fresh start, just as an adult human instead of a baby.
  • Don't Self Supply. Look, we get it if no one is on and you're bored, that's fine. Don't be that guy, seriously.
  • Don't LTAP (leave to avoid punishment), this will get you an instant two day ban.
  • Don't mic spam, I don't need to explain this.
  • Don't prop block.
  • Don't prop kill. We get it, you may be a minge, but don't waste our time please.
  • Don't mug/kidnap people every two minutes. You will have a cooldown between 
  • Don't Metagame. This goes along with NLR and using OOC (out-of-character) chat to your advantage IC (in-character).

Rules that will get you instantly banned or blacklisted:

  • Mass RDM
  • Mass RDA 
  • Killing staff while they are in a sit.
  • Mass propblocking.
  • Mass propkilling.
  • Advertising servers. We like to support out players, so please don't come in just to spam. It's probably not fun anyways and no one cares.
  • Disrespecting staff or players. This is a given, don't be stupid. We get it, sometimes things seem unfair. If you're that mad, take a break, come back later. We'll still love you.

Building Rules

  • While building, put up a sign that says "Building" to let others know you are not roleplaying.
  • When a building sign is up, you cannot have any entities in your base.
  • Do not interfere with people that have a "Building" sign.
  • A player must be able to enter and exit your building using a keypad cracker or a lockpick.
  • Do not abuse the fading door tool. (Using the numpad to constantly spam it or open and close it quickly)
  • You may not own more than one base at a time. 
  • You may use a maximum of 3 fading doors per base.
  • You may not have a fading door with the sole purpose to protect a keypad or button.
  • Keypads must be connected to a working fading door.
  • Keypads must have a hold length of 5 seconds for fading doors. (With a 0 initial delay)
  • Keypads must be placed near the door they open in plain sight.
  • Keypads must be low enough to be cracked from ground level. (You shouldn't have to duck or climb to reach the keypad)
  • Do not build inside unowned buildings or ones that you do not own.
  • Do not build out on the streets or anywhere public. 
  • Do not build on rooftops unless they are accessible via walking. (inaccessible rooftops)
  • Do not block off large parts of the map, or any place where NPCs or Dumpsters entities spawn.
  • Bases that require crouching or alter your speed or movement in any way are disallowed. (No mazes, traps, or killboxes)
  • Do not create tiny cracks in your base that raiders cannot see.(Headshot and footshot traps)
  • No disorienting advantages such as black rooms, fully invisible props, or world glow effects.
  • Do not store entities on inaccessible rooftops or inaccessible areas in general.
  • Sky bases are not allowed.
  • No KOS signs.

Raiding Rules

  • You must wait 10 minutes in-between raiding the same person.
  • Once you've completed your raid, you must leave. You cannot occupy a base/store after a raid.
  • You cannot raid from inaccessible rooftops.
  • You cannot raid the PD from a rooftop or from inside a base.
  • You cannot raid an obviously open/empty base.
  • You may raid the mayor ONLY if he has set laws restricting basic rights (no guns, high taxes, etc.) or if you have a hit (Hitman).

Job Specific Rules & Guidelines
All Government Classes

  • Government jobs are not allowed to own their own separate base. Their home is the Police Department.
  • Government jobs must follow the guidelines and rules set by the Mayor.
  • Any action that involves not following rules set by the Mayor is considered corruption.
  • Government jobs are only allowed to weapon check in the Police Department or Bank.
  • Do not randomly arrest someone without reason. 
  • You must always have a valid roleplay reason to search, warrant or want a player.
  • After a valid warning, government jobs may legally eliminate lawbreakers who resist arrest or flee.
  • Don't metagame. You cannot warrant based on information you read in OOC or noises you heard through a wall.
  • During a lockdown, government jobs may arrest any non-government officials that aren't homeless.
  • The Mayor can change or add laws depending on the RP, but make sure to read the laws below that CAN NOT be changed.

Default Laws

  • Owning a small handgun is legal (Mayor can change).
  • Murder, assault, robbery and raiding are illegal activities. (Can not change).
  • Firing off any gun in public for any reason other than self defense is illegal. (Can not change).
  • Owning contraband is illegal. (Can not change)
  • Contraband is: Weed, Weed Plants, Coke, Meth, Heroine, Money Printers, Lockpick, Pickpocket, Keypad Cracker, Any Explosive.

Vendor Classes

  • Gun Dealer, Black Market, Drug Dealer, Bartender.
  • You must sell to the public. You cannot refuse public selling.
  • You cannot scam as a vendor.
  • You can put vending machines anywhere on public property.
  • Do not self-supply. (Switching to the class only to supply items for your friends)


  • Hitmen can raid only if their target is inside of a base.


  • Citizens are not allowed to raid or steal. 
  • Citizens are allowed to obviously own a base and own printers and other entities.

Mafia and Gang Rules

  • You MUST follow the rules and guidelines of the gang/mafia leader.
  • If you plan on an uprising against said leader, you must have an actual RP reason.
  • You can raid at your leaders discretion every fifteen minutes.
  • If you plan on starting a war against the opposite force (IE. gangs vs mafia, or vice versa), you must advert it first. 

Thieves and other Raiding Classes

  • You may raid within reason every fifteen minutes. 
  • Thieves may pickpocket or mug on the street every minutes, no matter where they are. 
  • If you are raiding/mugging, you MUST do /advert Raid (place) or /advert Mug (amount).

FearRP is a thing here, keep that in mind. You wouldn't pull a gun on someone who has a gun to your head. You'd be dead. 

By reading over these rules, you consent to the stated above without signature. Failure to abide by the rules stated above will get you blacklisted, kicked, or banned.
Rules are subject to change without notice, so please check the MOTD often! We try and update everyone on the changes as often as possible!
Thank you for joining our wonderful community, we're glad to have you here! Enjoy your stay!

Questions? Concerns? Contact me or another staff member via pm over the forums, in game, discord, or on steam at anytime!